1 October 2024

60 Seconds with Alex Hyams, Milligan’s new Head of Mixed-Use Asset Management

As Milligan’s new Head of Mixed-Use Asset Management wraps up his second week with the company, we put him through a quick-fire round of questions to learn more about his experience and what drives him.

What are the top 10 deals you’re most proud to have worked on:

    1. LMA, Metquarter, Liverpool: 40,000 sq ft letting to LMA, the creative arts college, to repurpose retail space for educational use. Complex deal, conditional on vacant possession and planning, which revitalised the upper parts of a former shopping centre.
    2. Cambridge Street Collective, Heart of the City, Sheffield: 25,000 sq ft food hall letting anchoring the Heart of the City regeneration project for Sheffield City Council. Transforming the F&B offer in Sheffield.
    3. Former House of Fraser, Grimsby: Acquisition of 92,000 sq ft gateway building in Grimsby town centre as part of land assembly work required to facilitate wider regeneration project.
    4. Really Local Group, Grayson Place, Nuneaton: 18,000 sq ft, 5 screen cinema. Secured anchor leisure occupier for Nuneaton’s town centre regeneration project. 20 year lease to arts, culture and community focused cinema operator in their first commitment outside of the South East.
    5. NHS Community Diagnostics Centre, Freshney Place, Grimsby: 18,000 sq ft letting to NHS to operate a Community Diagnostics Centre. Key letting in strategic objective to increase diversification of uses at traditional shopping centre.

What are you most looking forward to in your new role at Milligan? 

The next 10 years will be pivotal for regeneration. With its proven track record of delivering complex projects, Milligan is poised to play a major role because we have cross sector expertise and market reach and the capability to deliver the right solutions whether that’s development, repurposing, operational mandates or a blend of these, its a very exciting time to be leading the Asset Management team here.

What’s on your desk/ in your bag? 

I’m reading Age of the City by Ian Goldin and Tom Lee Devlin. Thought provoking look at the important role urban centres will play in the future – their environmental responsibilities and their role in modern society.

Where’s next on your travel bucket list? 

I’d love to go back to South America for the wildlife, the beaches and the of course the football…

If you could give one piece of advice to anyone starting out in strategic asset management, what would it be? 

Keep your eyes on the prize! Stay close to the market, legislation, trends, occupiers, wider economic metrics, environmental responsibilities and estate management standards, they all change, sometimes rapidly. Keep the mission constant, optimising the performance of the asset. Stay focused and alive to the opportunities that market changes present.