11 September 2024

Navigating the New Era of Urban Regeneration: Stuart Harris, on seizing the moment and why we’re investing in asset management and development.

“As urban landscapes across the globe evolve in response to societal, economic, and environmental pressures, us in the real estate industry find ourselves at a pivotal moment. The demand for thoughtful urban regen and well considered placemaking is at an all-time high. Cities are looking to rejuvenate their cores, reimagine underutilised spaces, and create vibrant, sustainable environments that meet the needs of modern populations, whilst also addressing the housing crisis.

“At Milligan, we’re enhancing our capabilities in asset management and development to meet these challenges head-on, reiterating our commitment to driving meaningful change in the built environment.

The Shifts Shaping Urban Regeneration

“The concept of placemaking has evolved. In fact, it’s not really a word you’ll come across in our vernacular – it sort of implies that a place doesn’t already exist. Instead, we think about the creative and intentional process of curating and designing spaces that foster community, engagement, and vibrant activity within the built environment, utilising our rich heritage in retail and leisure as the commercial catalyst to enliven, innovate and draw value into a place for people, brands and investors alike.

“The economic challenges facing many urban centres, exacerbated by global events have led to an increased focus on the adaptability of spaces. Flexibility in design and usage is becoming a critical factor in the success of urban regeneration projects, allowing cities to respond to changing needs and market conditions.

Investing In Our Capabilities: Why Asset Management and Development Matter

“Recognising these shifts, Milligan is strategically expanding our asset management and development teams. This move is not just about growth; it is about ensuring that we have the right expertise to navigate the complexities of modern urban regeneration at a critical time.

“Strategic, mixed-use asset management is crucial. It provides the operational expertise needed to maintain and enhance the value of properties over time. In the context of urban regeneration, this means understanding the long-term needs of a space and its users and ensuring that developments remain vibrant and viable. The skill is curating and managing mixed-use environments that attract investment and deliver ongoing value.

“Development is the engine that drives the transformation of ideas into reality. In urban regeneration, this means working closely with local authorities, stakeholders, and the community to deliver projects that are not only commercially successful but also socially and environmentally responsible.

How Milligan’s track record gives us the edge when it comes to Urban Regeneration

“Urban regeneration requires a deep understanding of how to blend residential, commercial, and leisure spaces in a way that meets both current and future needs. It also demands the ability to work within complex regulatory frameworks and to engage meaningfully with local communities to ensure that developments are aligned with their needs and aspirations.

“Milligan’s track record in this space speaks for itself. With over 20 years of experience, we have partnered with major institutions, private equity houses, and local authorities to deliver projects that push the boundaries of creativity and innovation. Our work on high-profile regeneration projects in major cities in the UK and Europe highlights our ability to deliver on complex, multi-faceted projects.

“At a time when there are challenges that can’t be addressed with tried and tested solutions, Milligan is ready to lead the way. Our expertise, experience, and strategic focus on asset management and development ensure that we are not just responding to the trends shaping urban regeneration—we are helping to define them.”