February 2020, marks our official coming of age as it’s 18 years since Milligan first opened its doors. In that time, we’ve developed retail, leisure, mixed use schemes and urban markets around Europe and evolved our skills and expertise alongside the industry’s seismic shifts.
To celebrate our 18th birthday, the team rummaged through old photo albums and found pictures from when they were 18 – what a fresh-faced and good looking bunch we were!
John Milligan said; “For a bit of fun we thought we’d share pictures of ourselves when we were 18, which has gone down a storm amongst our friends and connections. The years have been kinder to some of us than others! I’m extremely proud to mark our 18th birthday this month, reflecting on all we’ve achieved in those years but also looking forward to a new era developing mixed use destinations with retail and leisure at their heart, led by the changing needs and expectations of our customers.”
Here’s to the next 18 years!