
Strategic Regeneration Partner forTorquay, Paignton, and Brixham across multiple sites


Torbay Council & Willmott Dixon


Residential, Office, Healthcare, Retail, Leisure, Placemaking/Public Realm

Milligan has partnered with Willmott Dixon to deliver a multi-site, multi-phase town centre regeneration for Torbay.

Working alongside Torbay Council, the partnership will accelerate the delivery of key projects and contribute towards economic growth for Torbay. Milligan and construction firm Willmott Dixon have combined forces to help the Council drive forward ambitious plans for key sites. The sites will help reshape town centres, improve public realm, increase town centre living, repurpose excess retail and vacant shops and improve the connectivity between town centres.

Torbay is a glorious part of Devon and England. Encompassing the towns of Torquay, Brixham and Paignton, sitting on the beautiful Tor Bay and next to the stunning landscape of Dartmoor National Park.

Whilst the area is already a magnet for tourists, and known to many as the English Riviera it is also home to globally significant technology businesses operating in photonic, marine industries, nanotechnology and medi-tech. These blooming industries, coupled with stunning green countryside, 20 beaches along 22 miles of coastline makes the area a hugely attractive place to live and work. Torbay Council has already invested a significant amount of work into positioning the area and creating ‘Our Torbay Story’, which highlights these great assets and benefits. The team at Milligan is hugely excited to be part of the next chapter.

“Rarely have we set out on such a complex and challenging programme of regeneration and after over a year in partnership have achieved everything we set out to do, this is testament to the genuine partnership we have created between Torbay Council and WDM (Willmott Dixon & Milligan).” – David Carter, Divisional Director – Strategic Development